Saturday, December 13, 2008


HI!!!! i just got back from KL two days ago....^^ now at home....if anyone know the address of the clamp mangaka....please tell me ok?^^ i need to tell them something about their work..... well, then...that's all... please contact me, all from SKCE ^^ bu-bye for now!

Monday, December 1, 2008

I got gabby.......

1. What's your most favourite colour?
green, purple and blue.

2. Who is the most important to you?
i don't think i hav one xD

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
i'm living my life now....^^

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
yea....think so.......~~~

5. How many babies you want?
do i hav to answer this?

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
of course!!

7. What is your goal for this year?
to try and win a trophy...^^

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
maybe and maybe not.........

9. Do you think that the person who tag you, like to play kidnapping?
hmmm........let me think.........

10. What are you really afraid of?
i hav no idea..xD

11. What is your bad habit?

12. Do u have a secret crush?
hmm....mayb i do...mayb i don't.......^^

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
Of course!!!!!!

14. What does flying means to you?
that i can be free at last...

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
doing something fun.....^^

16. Are you single/relationship?

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
i don't think i know that myself.........

19. What is your little wish?
to find something lucky

20. Who's the best person in ur life?
my best friend........^^

Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post. Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. jessy~
2. gabby~(hahaha again^^)
3. danielle~
4. the person whose reading this
5. no more........